[Note: All Basque words are in Italics and Bold-faced Green]
A review derived from the following: Nyland, Edo. 2001. Linguistic Archaeology: An Introduction. Trafford Publ., Victoria, B.C., Canada. ISBN 1-55212-668-4. 541 p.
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An ancient language form that
originated in the North African area of our most ancient civilizations was
studied by Nyland (2001). He found that
many words used to describe names of places and things in the British Isles
seem to be closely related to the ancient language, which Nyland called Saharan, and which later was predated by the Igbo Language of West
Africa. Fortuitously, the Basque
Language is a close relative to the original Saharan. Following is a discussion of this
relationship: For another description
of English development, see: "Hidden Meanings in English" ENGLISH WORD
Whole sentences in English are often condensed into single words and
names, by being encoded with the use of a vowel-interlocking formula (see VCV). About half of the Basque language is made up of words starting
with vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV or VCCV) and it is this half, which has been
used to produce English vocabulary, the same as was done for Sanskrit and Latin (see VCV Formula). This formula, which was recently discussed by Nyland (2001) used the first vowel-consonant-vowel
(VCV) of every Saharan/Basque word, which then were aligned as
VCV1-V1CV2-V2CV3 and agglutinated into VCVCVCV. Many vowels and some
"h's" of the resulting agglutination were then removed according to
a pre-determined plan, to create English-looking or English-sounding words.
The main assigned characteristic of the English language is that the
traditional Latin pronunciation of the letters was abandoned and replaced
by a different alphabet pronunciation. In the following examples the removed
letters are shown as dots. Sometimes both vowels were eliminated from one VCV
but the consonants (except some "h's") always remained. To read up
on the decoding process and the vowel-interlocking feature, please see the VCV Formula. The language used to translate the names and words, as before,
is Basque.
Many of the words in the English language were made up by the
Benedictines and grammarians in their scriptoria, some later evolved from the
words these linguists invented. The clergy did the
word construction mostly by writing a short sentence describing the subject
in Basque. In some cases they used wisecracks or jokes, even crude remarks
and personal feelings. They also borrowed and exchanged words made up by
linguists in France, Holland, Germany and Italy, often altering the available
words to give them an "English" touch, e.g. French 'famille' became
'family'. Latin was invented in exactly the same
manner, using the same rules as for English, as the name "Latin"
indicates: .la-ati-in or ela-ati-indar: ela (word) atxiki (to memorize) indaregin (make an effort):
"make an effort to memorize the words". To introduce the new
subject of English word translations, here follow a few which clearly
demonstrate the care, creativity and often joy, which went into composing
them. doctor: .do-ok.-.to-or. .do odo odoldun bloody ok. oke okerkeria injury .to eto etorri come! or. ora orain right now A bloody injury, come right now! Parliament: .pa-ar.-.li-i.a-ame-ent. .pa apa aparteko special ar. -ari -ari cause .li ili ilinti fiery i.a iha ihardukitze arguing, oratory ame ame ameslari idealistic ent. ent entzungarri worthy of being heard Fiery and idealistic oratory for a special cause is worthy of being heard. Hansard: .ha-an.-.sa-ard. .ha aha ahalegin attempt an. ane anega measure .sa esa esan to narrate ard. ardu arduratu to take responsibility for An attempt to take a measure of responsibility for the narration. library: .li-ib.-.ra-ari .li eli elizdiru religious duty ib. ibi ibili to acquire .ra ira irakaskuntza education ari ari arrigarri marvellous, admirable It is your religious duty to acquire a marvelous education. irrigate: ir.-.ri-iga-ate ir. ire ireki to open .ri eri eriontegi spillway iga iga igartu to wilt ate ate atertu to stop Open the spillway to stop the wilting. alcohol: al.-.ko-oho-ol. al. alu alukeria repulsive behaviour .ko uko ukoegin to deny oho oho ohoregabe to dishonor ol. ol olde free will Denying and repulsive behaviour dishonors the free will. garlic: .ga-ar.-.li-ik. .ga ega egakortasun volatility, smell ar. ara arranguratu to complain .li ali alienatu destroys a person's composure ik. ika ikaragarri awful! (People) complain that the smell destroys a person's composure. It's awful! existence: (eksiztense) ek.-.si-izte-en.-.se .ek eka ekarpen contribution .si asi asierako original iste izte iztegi vocabulary ene ene ene my .se ese esentia essence "The essence of my original vocabulary contributions".
Windsor: in.-.d.-.so-or. (The W has no meaning) in. ino inorenganatu to bequeath .d. odo odolgarbitasun nobility .so oso osoro thorough or. oro orotar united Bequeath a thoroughly united nobility.
The British
royal family took on the name Windsor early in this century. It is fair to
say that they must have known exactly what they were doing. The family has
long been involved with the pre-history and Ogam script of Scotland. Queen
Victoria herself financed the publishing of a voluminous book on very early
Scottish inscriptions, entitled "The Early Christian Monuments
of Scotland" (J.R. Allen &
J. Anderson), many of which were not Christian at all but belonged to the
previous Ashera Religion
of the Picts. Edo Nyland decided to probe a
bit deeper by analyzing other names associated with British royalty: Buckingham: .bu-uki-ing.-.ha-am. .bu abu aburukide agreement uki uki ukitu to touch, to affect ing.ingi ingira disposition, formation .ha iha ihardunak activities am. ami aministratu government The agreement affects the formation and activities of the government. This "agreement" probably refers to the signing of Magna Carta. Balmoral: .ba-al.-.mo-ora-al. .ba eba ebanjelari evangelist al. ala alai happiness .moamo amodiotsu loving ora ora oraingoan occasion al. ala alaitsu joyous The evangelist's happiness made this a loving and joyous occasion. Carnarvon: .ka-ar.-.na-ar.-.bo-on. .ka aka akabu end ar. ara aratustel corruption .na ana anaibateko unanimous ar. ara araberatasun agreement .bo abo abonau to approve of on. one onetsi to bless Corruption was ended when the unanimous approval of the agreement was blessed. This is another sentence which refers to Magna Carta. Kensington: .ke-en.-.si-ing.-.to-on. .ke ike ikertu to investigate, to re-visit en. ene -enetan each time .si esi esiketa siege ing.ingi ingiratu to be disgusted .to ito itotasun anguish on. ona onargaitz intolerable Each time they re-visit that repugnant siege (it causes) intolerable anguish.
The above
unexpected success in the search for the origin of English names was
encouraging so other well known and true English names were analyzed as
follows: Osborne: os.-.bo-or.-.ne os. osa osatasun integrity .bo abo abogado lawyer or. oro orokorki universally .ne one onetsi esteemed The integrity of a lawyer is universally esteemed. Sebastian: .se-eba-asti-an. .se ase aserre dispute eba eba ebazle judge asti azti aztiatu to anticipate an. ana anaitze reconciliation Dispute judge who anticipates reconciliation. Buchanan: .bu-uka-ana-an. .bu abu aburu opinion ukauka ukatu to refuse ana ana anaikidetasun brotherhood an andi andikeria arrogance He refused to give an opinion about the arrogance of the brotherhood. Hamilton, .ha-ami-il.-.to-on. .ha aha ahal I hope ami ami amildu to oust, to overcome il. ilo ilordu agony .to oto otoitz prayer on. one oneratsu pious I hope to overcome the agony through pious prayer.
One of the best-known sea captains
of the age of exploration was Henry Hudson. From the meaning of his name it
appears that he acquired the name Hudson during or after one of his arctic
voyages. Hudson Bay and the Hudson River were named after him. Hudson, .hu-ud.-.so-on. .hu uhu uhui cry of happiness, joy ud. udi udikan to get out .so iso isolamendu isolation on. ona onargaitz intolerable, hostile He cried for joy to get out of the hostile isolation. Ogden, og.-.de-en. og. oga ogaki richly .de ade adelatu adorned en. ene -enetan always Always richly adorned. Purvis, .pu-ur.-.bi-is. .pu ipu ipuin gospel ur. uri urrikaltasun mercy .bi ibi ibili to be is. isu isurika inspiration Let the Gospel's mercy be an inspiration. Molson, .mo-ol.-.so-on. .moamo amona grandmother ol. ole oles egin to call upon .so eso esonde advice on. onu onuts very kind Call upon grandmother for very kind advice. Gibson, .gi-ib.-.so-on. .gi agi agian I wish ib. ibe ibeni to introduce, to give .so eso esonde advice on. one oneratu beneficial I wish to give beneficial advice. Compton, .ko-om.-.p.-.to-on. .ko ako akorduan euki to remember om.ome omendatu to honor .p. epe epemuga deadline .to eto etorkizuneko upcoming on. one ondar final Remember to honor the upcoming final deadline. Collier, .ko-ol.-.li-i.e-er. .ko ako akorduan euki to remember oli oli olibolio olive oil i.e ihe ihesi to prevent er. eri eri illness Remember that olive oil prevents illness.
A geographical
name that became a household name is Trafalgar, where Nelson fought the sea-battle of 1805 and defeated Napoleon's
fleet. The name must have been made up specifically for this occasion: Trafalgar: .t.-.ra-afa-alga-ar. .t. ate atertu to stop .ra era erasan attack afa afa afa happy alga algara loud laughter ar. ari arinaldi fast run We stopped the attack (amid) happy and loud laughter when they ran away fast.
It can be shown
that many British names are made up out of Basque, although not all were
assembled with the Ogam formula, such as "Campbell," from kam-bel: kamaina (improvised bed) bela (sails): "They slept on
sails"; or "Stewart," from stu-art.: asturu (fortune) arti (sheep): "A fortune in
sheep." The linguists who created most of these names were dedicated
professionals of the highest caliber and they did a marvelous job. Who they
were and where they worked will be discussed in another web-page. For now it
is more important to show how basic the Basque language is to all aspects of
English; it may be said that the English language is close to 100%
manipulated Basque. By now the reader will have understood that there is
nothing "genetic" about the English language. It didn't evolve
naturally from any other language; it was almost totally home-invented and had absolutely nothing to do with the
Anglo-Saxons, Friesians, Celts, Vikings or whatever ruffians happened to
drift in from the continent. SHAKESPEARE AND THE VCV FORMULA
In "Love's Labour's Lost"
Shakespeare presents us with a Latin sounding riddle: honorificabilitudinitatibus (Act V, i, 39). Up to now it has frustrated all efforts to
decode it. This is supposed to be the longest "Latin" word in the
dictionary, but from where did this "Latin" word come? Probably not
from Latin! The fact that he used this word suggests that he knew about the
Benedictines' operational manual, the "Auraicept na n'Eces"
in which it is mentioned at least twice. It is likely that the
"word" was made up in Ireland by one of the Benedictine
grammarians. In line 1438 the word starts with tinerifica while the version
in line 1741 is tenerifica. Let us first apply the Ogam formula to Shakespeare's version
and see what happens: honorificabilitudinitatibus: .ho ahogoza delicious ono onon exquisite ori orrits banquet ifi ibili to go ika ikaskai lesson abi abiatu to begin ili ilinti fiery preacher itu itundu to be advised udi udikan to get out, to go away ini initz,ainitz many ita itaun question ati atxiki to retain ibu aburu? opinion us. usutu often expressed Going to the delicious and exquisite banquet was the lesson the fiery preacher began with. I was advised to go away with my many questions and retained my often expressed opinion.
The 800 or 900
year older version in the Auraicept
has two slightly different spellings and translations: (line 1741), starting
with .te-ene-eri-ifi-ika: ateots (knock on the door) ene (come to me) eritasun (heavily laden) which therefore reads: "Knock on the door,
come to me those who are heavily laden; this was the lesson...etc.".
Version line 1438 reads: .ti-ine-eri-ifi-ika: atikitzaile (faithful) inertzia (downtrodden) eritasun (heavily laden) and therefore reads: "faithful but
downtrodden and heavily laden; this was the lesson....etc." This made me
wonder if there was anything special hidden in Shakespeare's name and there
was: Shakespeare, she-ek.-.spi-ir. (pron: shay-ayk-spee-eer) she she shedatu to decide ek. eka ekandu to get used to .spi azpi azpiko protective cover, pseudonym ir. ira irakatsi to teach (ir.)(ira) (irauli?) (to translate)? I decided to get used to teaching (translating?) under a pseudonym. The reason why
none of the six known signatures of the great man were spelled the same must
be because the basic sounds of "she-ek-spi-ir" were more important
than the accurate spelling of his English "name." BASQUE WORDS FOUND
Many common
English words are found to belong to the pre-Christian language. Most of them
were preserved with only minor change in meaning: English: Derived from: acid azido (acid) ankle anka (foot) better beterik (full) boss boz (voice) bulk bulka (to force, to push) busy bizi(to make a living) camp canpo (outdoors) cane ka'in (diviner's rod) celebrity shelebre (funny) chisel zizel (chisel) coy -koi (tendency, trait of character) (suffix) damn damu (remorse) fault falta (error) fleet flota (flotilla) gate gate (chain) goose guztien (common) gory gorri (terrible) to guide gidatu (to guide) harpoon arpo (harpoon) honest oneste (act of blessing) hurry hurre (come closer) impression inpresio (impression) to inaugurate inauguratu (to inaugurate) innocent inuzente (stupid) kitsch kitz (agitated) to lag laga (to leave behind) licking likin (sticky) mad madarikatu (to curse, to swear), man manatu (giving orders, to decide) market merkatu (market) mask maskara (mask) moron morroin (servant) nigger nigar (crying) ok oka (plentiful, enough) pan panin (water, clean) pauze pauza (pauze) perch pertxa (perch) pirate pairatu (to suffer) posh panposha (gracious, charming) purge purga (to purge) quay kai (dock, pier) race (people) arraz (race) raw arau (discipline) to risk arrisku (to risk) to root errotu (to take root) sack, satchel sakela (pocket) sail zail (difficult) scratch karrask (scrape) sense zentzu (common sense) shallop txalupa (launch, small boat) sole zola (sole of shoe) soppy sopi (soaking) star izar (star) sudden sudun (ardent, heated) thorough osoro (thorough) usual usu (usual) to use usatu (to use) word ord (ainbide) (promise) English
etymological dictionaries generally do not recognize language creation
efforts of the Benedictine linguists, later continued by famous writers such
as Chaucer, Shakespeare and Tyndale. In fact, most of the modern word
etymologies in our dictionaries appear to be guesswork or dreaming. The
problem is that none of the languages which are presently assumed part of the
Indo-European language "family" are genetically related, i.e. not
one of them evolved slowly over time from another. They were all invented by early linguists and forced onto a
reluctant public by a determined and occasionally cruel church leadership. EXPANDED
ETYMOLOGICAL DICTIONARY In Nyland’s English Dictionary he shows how agglutinating the first
syllables of Basque words, mostly with the vowel-interlocking formula,
formulaically assembled a large number of English words. In other
sections, Nyland has shown that the same group of clergy who had earlier
manipulated English and Gaelic also influenced Dutch and German. English
words, originating at Benedictine scriptoria in Holland and Germany, are
discussed in the section on those languages. To understand
how the decoding and translating process works, the reader should be familiar
with the Ogam section. There is little guesswork
in these translations even though, to the uninitiated and casual observer,
the process of building up a full word from one consonant appears impossible.
The vowel-interlocking feature of the VCV vowel-interlocking formula is
responsible for that. However,
repeated trials are required for it to be understood. It also requires common
sense interpretation. |